To contribute to driving the outdoor sports industry into the future, OSV plays a key supporting role to boost innovation for member companies, providing them with support and guidance in their R&D processes and projects, as well as making it easier to work together to tackle common issues and topics.
The 5 key roles OSV plays to accelerate innovation
To address innovation, we offer member companies several services and tools divided into 5 main categories:
An in-company innovation diagnostic to provide support for innovation projects:
- To identify a company’s needs in terms of innovation: technology, organizational, digital, disruptive or incremental, function and use, managing and financing…
- Guide a company towards the right experts and tools: service providers, industry clusters, the OSV guide to financing innovation…
Provide member companies with access to innovation intelligence on a variety of topics:
Observations made at professional trade shows, studies and reports, conference summaries…
Share information and experience through different events:
Digital x Outdoor (DxO), morning innovation seminars, newsletters, calls for projects, innovation contests, workshops, working groups…
Start and manage collaborative projects.
Promote OSV and innovative French outdoor sports companies internationally:
OSV joined EPSI (European Platform for Sports and Innovation) in 2019 and participates in the Clussport project, which serves to create links and foster collaboration between other sports-oriented industry clusters in Europe to benefit from European-level funding. OSV member companies are eligible to take part in future collaborative projects.
Focus on OSV: two initiatives to encourage innovation
The Digital x Outdoor (DxO), the crossroads between the outdoor sports industry and digital technology
The DxO, or Digital x Outdoor, is an annual event that shines the spotlight on digital technology trends in the outdoor sports industry. OSV, CITIA, and MINALOGIC co-organize this daylong conference.
The event offers a mix of conferences, workshops, and opportunities to network to encourage collaboration between companies in the digital and outdoor worlds, with the goal of sharing knowledge and experience.
Outdoor sports companies attend the event to learn about the latest digital trends as well as on how to best integrate new digital tools into their company’s strategy. It also offers the chance to meet with innovative companies and find the right service provider for a short or long-term project. Companies in the digital industry attend the event to better understand the specific needs of outdoor sports brands, present their latest innovations, and to meet potential future clients.
The event covers such important topics as:
- Content creation,
- Technology innovation for products and services (the internet of things, artificial intelligence…),
- The customer pathway and go-to-market (marketing strategies).
Helpful tools: the OSV guide to financing innovation
Do you have a new concept? A project to innovate? Does it involve textile innovation, smart textiles, digital innovation, innovation by function, etc.?
Learn about how to best plan for product development while finding the right solutions to finance innovation. Created in partnership with Dynergie, OSV has published a guide to financing innovation (in French) that allows member companies to identify the right call for projects or program for them, whatever the phase of their project.
Browse the Innovation Funding Guide
Les chiffres clés du Pôle Innovation
- 2 Morning seminars per year focusing on innovaiton
- 3 Trade shows covered per year
- 280 Participants at the Digital X Outdoor
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